We sell more multi-million dollar businesses than any other firm in Australia

Looking to sell?

How To Sell A Powder Coating Business

Brisbane Business Broker Brendan Morgan has sold a number of Powder Coating businesses. We recently caught up with him to discuss the ins and outs of selling one of these operations. He had some great takeaways for owners contemplating selling their business such as: Important Consideration – Location Security Parties interested in acquiring power coating business pay keen interest to how secure the premise that the business operates from is. They’re looking for either a long lease or a freehold

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How To Sell An Asphalt Business

Dru recently caught up with Gold Coast Business Broker Rod Jessen to have a discussion about the intricacies of taking an asphalt business to market. Rod has been involved in a number of transactions in this space and had some great takeaways for owners of asphalt businesses who are contemplating going to market. They were: Sale Price Maximisation – Contracts & Recurring Work A key consideration for buyers when evaluating asphalt businesses is where work is coming from. They are

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How To Sell A Hospitality Business

Dru recently caught up with Tasmanian Business Broker Kat Little to discuss the ins and outs of selling a hospitality business. As a former owner and manager of a number of hospitality business, Kat has fantastic insights for prospective sellers. Some key takeaways from the conversation were: Sale Price Maximisation – Start Planning Early The hospitality businesses that sell the fastest and for the highest price have owners who have been planning to sell for a while instead of owners

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How To Sell A Franchise Business

Dru recently had a conversation with Sydney Business Broker Michael Vitullo about the ins and outs of selling a franchise business in Australia. Michael has been part of multiple transactions where the business being transferred was a franchise and has some key learnings for prospective sellers. They were: Strategy – Clearly State The Advantages/Disadvantages There are some clear benefits and drawbacks for buyers comparing purchasing a franchise or an independent business. An example of a benefit being instant brand recognition,

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How To Sell A Childcare Business

Adelaide Business Broker Nikki Katz recently had a conversation with our Director Dru about selling a childcare business in Australia. Having transacted a number of businesses in this space, Nikki had some important considerations for prospective sellers. They were: Important Consideration – Clean Financials Being a simple to understand business model, the first thing interested parties look at when assessing potential childcare acquisitions is the finances. For this reason it is imperative to go to market with up to date,

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How To Sell An Ecommerce Business

Our director Dru and one of our Melbourne Business Brokers Trevor Wantenaar recently had a conversation about selling an ecommerce business in Australia. Some key takeaways from their chat were: Sale Price Maximisation – Nationwide Marketing The beauty of ecommerce businesses is that they can be easily relocated. In one of Trevor’s recent transactions the buyer was interstate and simply shipped all stock upon settlement. With more buyer interest typically equaling a higher sale price, it is critical that ecommerce

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