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Steven Rossi

Business Sales | VIC

When it comes to significant decisions about buying or selling a business, Steven firmly believes in the importance of seeking expert advice and careful planning. He excels in guiding business owners and management teams, helping them develop and execute strategies for mergers and acquisitions, exit planning, and maximizing the value gained from divestments.

With two decades of experience in Finance and accounting, Steven possesses a unique commercial understanding honed through his involvement in various stages of businesses' life cycles. He has supported clients across diverse scenarios, from startups and organic growth to expansion through acquisitions and strategic sell-offs.

Steven’s expertise extends to managing intricate business M&A transactions, both within Australia and internationally. His portfolio includes corporate advisory engagements involving share and goodwill sales, complex structural arrangements, cross-border transactions, takeovers, demergers, franchise negotiations, and joint ventures.

Based in Melbourne, Steven is a proud member of CPA Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts from Latrobe University, providing a solid academic foundation in the field.

His approach is deeply personal, emphasising genuine connections with individuals, comprehensively understanding their businesses, and formulating tailored plans to achieve their goals. Steven is dedicated to ensuring that businesses navigate their transformative journeys with confidence and strategic finesse, embodying the essence of the Australian entrepreneurial spirit.

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