The Owner has not been involved in the business for many years and is looking to retire completely by selling both the business and the freehold property (if required).
The core of the business is to manufacture and supply quality, ergonomically designed products and equipment to hospitals, ambulance services, nursing homes & aged care homes and disability persons.
Sales of their products are mainly wholesale (to ambulance services, healthcare authorities and retailers) but they can also retail directly to the consumer direct.
Tested to International Standards and approved by NATA (National Authority for Testing), the products are purchased by Health Authorities, Ambulance Services & Aged Care Homes across Australia but are designed and manufactured from a facility in Adelaide.
The turnover is steady and reliable each year and the profits are also consistent year on year.
Points to consider
The healthcare industry is required to continually upgrade and update medical aids and appliances and the sale of medical aids is Tax Exempt and very much immune to the Pandemic’s effects, ensuring the longevity of performance and limited risks.
The business currently only operates 4 days a week with 5 staff in total, starting early to complete their 38 hours per week, so the business has further growth potential.
The business could be enhanced further by upgrading its ordering system, introducing POS, website and some processes and procedures to update this already profitable operation, further enhancing its efficiencies.
Business $375,000 + SAV (approx. $60,000)
Freehold Premises $640,000 – Optional
Freehold Business $1,015,000 + SAV (approx. $60,000)
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