Open 5.5 days, there is plenty of scope to add value to this successful, mixed billing practice. There are many great reasons to buy this practice, including having a great team!
Location: Located in a shopping centre w/ Coles & Woolies as head tenants, there is good footfall + loads of parking nearby. Conveniently located near the practice are several pharmacies, radiologists, specialist centres & a public hospital.
Facilities: 300m2 w/ 10 CR’s, 2x procedure rms, a two bay tx rm, a physio + a path rm.
Lease: for 8 yrs til 2032 – $25,300/12 incl outgoing (power + water) + GST = $300K + pa ($195K initially increasing 4% annually)
Fees: Over $100 per consult, Drs making $3K a day in billings. Moved to Private billings so fees are increasing now as 40% private + 60% BB so gross income has increased over the last 12 months from $4.M to $4.9M (projected). Average monthly billings are now up over $100K from $70K since April 2024.
Subtenants: Clear visibility of the path in this very desirable location. Path pays $100K/pa (increasing as more Drs join), with a lease til 2025 & a high possibility of rent increase (with a letter from interested pathology). Podiatrist pays room rent (1/wk = $200/wk) + clinical psychology (3x/wk) + physio (3x/wk) both pay a 70/30 fee split.
Pts: Complex care coordination – $100K additional incentive to the practice from the PHN (valid for 2x yrs til April 2025). Health assessments can increase billing of $400K by adding extra nurses. Average age of the suburb is 52 yrs, can do more CDM & health assessments as more nurses are recruited. New pts each week & over 14,000 pt files on the software.
Accreditation: til 2026 w/ QPA
Services offered include but are not limited to:
Online meetings are required initially before any site visits take place after hrs to preserve pt + team confidentiality.